
Why We Exist

Project Safe Church NW exists to train and equip leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to recognize and respond to abuse in biblically redemptive yet legally responsible ways, implementing the ethics policies of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Narragansett, RI. The South Ferry Church was built in the 1850's for the Narragansett Baptist Church. It's one of the finest examples of an early Victorian church.


Do You Take Reports About Abusers From Anywhere?

Project Safe Church NW accepts reports from individuals who believe they were abused by leaders of any church, school, or other entity within the Seventh-day Adventist church in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska.

If your experience happened beyond this area, please contact the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Secretariat office by phone (443) 391-7111.

Who Operates Project Safe Church?

Project Safe Church NW connects with Concerned Care Practitioners (CCPs) to various entities within the North Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Trained volunteer professionals provide survivor support and review abuse reports.

Project Safe Church NW is not affiliated with any law enforcement or government agency.

When I Submit a Report, is the Perpetrator Notified?

Unless your report is about abuse of a minor (under the age of 18), you retain the ability to choose whether to speak out to either law enforcement or church leadership.

Your report will be reviewed by a trained CCP and that person will work with you to decide whether you want to share it more widely, either in the church or to law enforcement.

Your name will not be disclosed unless you grant permission to do so.

Who Will View My Report?

Your confidential report will be seen by the trained CCP team that manages case files. All information is kept secure and privacy is maintained for the purpose of cross-checking reports from other survivors. Project Safe Church NW will never reveal the identity of those making reports without their knowledge and permission.

What About Ongoing or Suspected Abuse, Including Abuse of a Minor?

Reports of past, ongoing, and suspected abuse are accepted.

Project Safe Church NW actively cooperates with appropriate law enforcement on credible reports of current abuse, and especially on the abuse/suspected abuse of minors.

Why Should I Trust Project Safe Church?

Project Safe Church NW is run by trained and licensed Seventh-day Adventist counselors with many years of experience in working with the Church to report and prevent abuse. These individuals work closely with the North Pacific Union Conference, as well as our local conferences, to provide support and resources to deal with claims sensitively, confidentially, and fairly.

We recognize that trust is at the core of all efforts to empower survivors to come forward, speak out, and keep abusers accountable.

How is Project Safe Church Funded?

Project Safe Church NW operates within office of the North Pacific Union Conference and partners with various entities within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.